About me

I’m Elvi! I am one of the most optimistic individuals you will ever meet. My contagious positivity has the power to uplift even those who believe they’re immune to it. 

My approach

As a transformative life and career coach, as well as a leadership development and culture change trainer, I am dedicated to empowering individuals and organizations to experience positive change, reach a high-quality state of thriving, and achieve remarkable transformations.

With a blend of unwavering optimism, empathy, and a logical problem-solving approach, I offer transformative coaching and consulting services. Leveraging my extensive experience in leadership, management, and strategic consulting gained in world-class organizations in both Slovenia and the United States, I help individuals and organizations develop essential habits, create a culture of positive change, and employ practical strategies for a higher quality of life and business.

My background

Drawing upon my background in law, complemented by an MBA from a premier US university and invaluable experience gained from working in the world’s leading management consulting organisations, I bring a unique blend of expertise to the table.

Personal & Lifestyle

In my personal life, my greatest joys come from spending quality time with my two wonderful daughters and cherishing each moment with my beautiful wife. Additionally, I find immense fulfilment in playing basketball, strumming classical guitar, and above all, practicing my faith in God, who is my greatest source of happiness, contentment and wisdom.

I am genuinely excited to meet you, listen to your story, and explore how I can assist you in reaching higher levels of fulfilment in both your personal journey and the growth of your organisation. 

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